Thursday, April 9, 2009

Don't do it, Martha

Don't get me wrong, I like Martha Stewart. I can even admit that I am a subscriber to her magazine (I especially love her Halloween issues!). And you know what else? The lady knows framing. I have seen her on various programs doing framing projects, and noted her obvious education. However, (and I know this is hardly current), her magazine published a series of framing projects last year that still has me rattled. Oh, the framing is sound--but the look and techniques are so antiquated!

The project detailed the proper execution of french lines, a practice that has barely been seen professionally since the 80s (and really tricky to do perfectly!), printed mats (yuck!), and paper wrapped hexagonal shapes to emulate old-timey scrapbooks (the complete opposite of contemporary framing!).
I realize Martha has the power and influence to set trends and break convention, but this is my turf, lady, and I will have to offer these services if your little vignettes catch on! So far so's been a few months since the projects were published and clients have not clamored to my door demanding french lines, but when they do, I'm sending Martha the bill for my Rapidographs, posh European gouache, and pain relievers.

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